Email Consent
Consent to Electronic Transmission of Communications by Association
Current California Law allows you to consent to the electronic transmission of most communications from the Association. By signing this form, you will be saving the Association printing and mailing costs by agreeing to accept electronic communications instead of mailed notices for items that would otherwise be provided by mail (as required by state statute).
By executing this Consent to Electronic Transmission of Communications by Association (this "Consent"), I consent to the electronic transmission of any and all communications from the Association to me in my capacity as a member of the Association, to the extent allowable under state statute. Such electronic communication may be made by e-mail, made available for download, electronic storage device, or other electronic means.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, I understand the Association reserves the right to provide communication to me by any means allowable under state statute.
I understand that notwithstanding the provisions of this Consent, I have the right to have records provided or made available to me on paper or in non-electronic format, subject to the state statute.
I understand that I may withdraw this Consent by providing written notice of such withdrawal to:
Collins Management Company
500 Alfred Nobel Drive, Suite 250, Hercules, CA 94547
Fax: (510) 262-1797 E-mail: info@collins-mgmt.com